Turbo Kick Time...
Hope you can join us too!
Bowling Recap...
Thank you to Westgate Bowl and Wellingtons for having us - Jim, Julie and Staff - you are always so welcoming and make the event what it is.
Brad - Your organization and planning is amazing and makes the event go smooth each year - THANK YOU!
A note of thanks to Lisa for providing relaxation with the chair massage station - you are a true trooper.
To Sami Murphy for sharing your photography skills with us.
...and to all of you for making it!
Now...The event through the lense.
And Finally the Results...
And of course - I fell in love with an animal too.
The Glass Experience.
...and a Note.
Famliy Nominations Link
And just think - each day, we are one day closer to spring...(or for the winter lovers - one more day closer to next winter).
Cheers to an amazing week!
(Looking forward to seeing many of you next week. This wedding adventure is sure to be a memoriable time! Stay tuned...)