Fools Five Events this Coming Weekend
Friday, April 1st
Live and Slient Auctions, Penny Raffles and More… A great evening out and lots of good things to purchase.
-Sunday, April 3rd
Race Day – You can choose the 1 mile or brave the 8K. You CAN sign up race day.
**You will have the opportunity to join the National Marrow Registry too from
10 am – 3 pm.
For more details check out the link below. I hope many of you will take a moment this weekend to step out and support this event.
Thoughts for the week…
There are days when you keep chugging along and life is going good and then something happens – a memory is recalled, a picture shows up, a song is played – and it feels like you get kicked in the gut.
Friday night – I ventured up to the cities with my family and some friends to take in the Kenny Chesney Concert. I knew it would be hard to go this concert without Joe. I tried to push it out of my mind and not think about it – but I got slammed in the chest when I sat down and the opening act starting playing. Just typing this makes my eyes tear up. Music was his life and he shared it with me.
Although Joe wasn’t physically sitting there with me – I know he was laughing his butt off for some things never change…
1. I got asked to sit down 2 times before Kenny even came on stage. Joe and I always got yelled at /asked to sit down. I am sorry for those of you who like to sit at concerts – I DON’T GET IT! And you definitely don’t want a seat by me :) (I politely declined sitting down – but did go for a “cool down” walk after the song was over and … found $60 on the ground. I felt bad that someone lost their money – but how the heck could I return it with thousands of people there– so I bought some beverages for the groupies.)
2. Every concert Joe and I ever attended – there would be a couple either on my side or Joe’s – that didn’t move a muscle throughout the performance. They wouldn’t smile, talk, clap... You guessed it – I was sitting right by them on Friday. (I think my dad felt bad for them – so he switched seats with me.)
Here are a few photos from the concert…
Here’s to a wonderful week everyone and hope to see many of you in red at the race on Sunday.
Love - Rach