As we entered the quaint little shop, I immediately became distracted by a group of young boyscouts ahead of us. Each one picking out their piece of pie and paying for it. They were smiling and thrilled to be out on this adventure.
Off to my left, I noticed two boys who were looking a little down - but not super upset...and that's when I heard one boy say - "Yeah, I don't have any money to get a piece."
My first reaction was - Poor Guys. And then I thought - I could buy them each a piece of pie. Show them strangers can do good things...
Then the thought crossed my mind - although I feel bad for these two youngs boys - this could be a good life lesson for them, you don't always get to have what others have...
To buy the boys the pie or not - that was my question...
Hoping all of you had a great weekend!
Love and Hugs - Rach