1st Annual Team Vogel Bowling Tournament...
There is ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT. We are in need of one more team of 4 to bowl during the 10 am shift. (For all details please see the previous blog or check out the Upcoming Events tab.)
I would also like to highlight the Kid Bowling from 9 am - 10 am. Everyone is welcome - please just let Brad know so we know how many to expect.
Questions or to register - contact Brad Bartelson (507) 429-5462 or [email protected]
The Store is OPEN...
I would like to draw your attention to the Store Tab. The Team Vogel Store is stocked. And I am excited to let you know - we have long sleeved Team Vogel shirts in.
Mary will be handling all orders and her contact information is listed on the Store page, but here it is again incase you have any questions.
Mary (507) 454-5912 or [email protected]
All proceeds generated go directly to the Team Vogel Fundraiser (Families Dealing with Cancer and Cancer Research).
A Real Treasure...
Notes are forever. I cherish the notes Joe left me, the ones I kept since we met. At the time I didn't know why, now it is the one thing I have to hold tight to - his words, his handwriting...his humor. My mom was recently cleaning out an old tub and came across a note I left her in 1991. It is priceless and I would love to share it with you.
"Mom, I got a hole in my pants. So win you get mad take it out on my pants and sew them up please. Love, Bugs"
I love it - to the point, a little whit, and great manners. (Good news is - I now know win is spelt when.)
Hope this brings a smile your way.
Love and Hugs