So much to say today…It has been a busy week / weekend.
First off – a Joe moment…Last Wednesday, when I came home from Volleyball, I decided I needed one more beer. I found a Busch Light in the fridge. I usually prefer Blue Moon, but I settled. Well, I hopped on the computer and found a video that Joe and I made in Chicago…The second video – which not many have seen (hope to post it one day). Joe is pretending to be an animal show host and trying to catch this rare animal…me. At one point, he is discussing what bait he should use, and he zooms in on a random trashcan in Chicago and there is a Busch Light can (the bait). So here I am, sitting in my living room, with my first Busch Light in a long time and wondering where the animal catcher is…Pretty crazy how things work out sometimes.
Well – I’m not sure if any of you have seen or heard, but the NFL season is under way and so are the fantasy leagues. I feel it’s only appropriate for me to give everyone a little insight on my thoughts. Joe this is for you. Although I was out of town this weekend, I did have the opportunity to get my legal pad and pen out and watch some of the Vikings game on Thursday (thought I better take notes to keep my interest). I thought they started the season off with a real bang and who better to do that than the Dave Matthews Band (One of Joe’s favorites). So after all the Super Bowl Fluff and rubbing it in…The Saints man-handled our defense in the opening drive. Things turned around a little and we stopped them, but man they had completion after completion. So…I’m not going to lie – I made it through the first few moments but then my attention got lost... A blocked kick… a little scoring…Vikings lose. The one thing I did want to mention is Mr. Brett Favre. He looked a little sluggish and really deflated in the last quarters. I would have to agree with Tony Dungy – Once he gets a few more games under his belt he will be back and making all the magical plays he can. I just wonder why he doesn’t try going to training camp so he is ready to make the plays come the first game of the season. I’m just saying – I wish we could all choose when we want to show up for work – he is getting paid right? The guys just need more time together, their timing was a little off.
Well the bottom line is – I hope everyone enjoyed the first weekend of football and hopefully your fantasy team is doing well. Hubbard – I know Joe is watching over your team close (no pressure).
Twins news – I need to be updated here … I don’t get the channel anymore and have not had the time to get out and watch the games. I do hear they are still ahead in the race…Maybe 5 games?
Alright – enough sports talk and on to one of the greatest weekends every. I headed to Kansas City on Friday with Biggs and Betsy. Our destination – To see our friend / big sis Amy. Our arrival was a little delayed, for one got stuck in work, some terrible rain storms, and some heavy…heavy traffic about 2 miles from our exit J. We made the best of it and realized we traveled 5 hours with no radio – I guess we like to talk. We truly just enjoyed our time together and just were. We stayed up late – giggled too much (Biggs and I got a text at 2 am from Amy in the other room saying we were loud…We think she just wanted to be in our room, for Betsy might have been clicking) and ate way too much. I did have lots of candy, some fabulous cupcakes and we made sushi one night (which I really loved!) It was great to just kick back and truly enjoy time – time with real people with great hearts. Thanks ladies – for the great weekend and I will always eat chocolate with ice cream before dinner now…because we can!
Now a couple updates on events/opportunities:
Hanna’s Hope -
Please check out this link below. It is a story of a young girl in Rochester who is fighting the cancer battle with the most dignity and grace – she has the strength of Joe. It is amazing how some people can go through so much but still find a bit of positive in everything.
(Then you will need to select Hanna Pt3)
If you would like to donate to help Hanna’s Family build a house that will accommodate her needs, here is the address to send your donation.
Hanna’s Hope
Think Mutal Bank
PO Box 5949
Rochester, MN 55903-5949
Rivertown Shuffle
Friday, Sept. 17th – Saturday, Sept. 18th
At Jaycee Pavilon – Lake Winona
5pm – Food and Silent Auction will begin
6pm – Opening Ceremonies
6:15pm – 1st lap will be taken through the luminaries
8pm – Luminary Ceremony
(There are many more events going on throughout the evening – so stop on in)
This event was very important to Joe and last year he was honored to be one of the person’s of hope. He never lost hope and he always believed – even though it will be tough to walk through and see the luminaries with Joe’s name on them this year stating – In Memory of… I will still go, for I promised. I hope many of you can join me and others of Team Vogel, the Winona Community to continue the fight.
Quick note to wish Joe’s Cousin Dan the best of luck in his marathon this weekend in Alaska. He is running one of the toughest courses in Joe’s Honor. Thank you Dan – this meant the world to Joe. (Here is the website -
I know this is a lengthy one today – but it has been a busy week. Joe I am sure you are checking the blog everyday to make sure I am keeping it up and doing it to your standard. I miss you and YOUR blogs. Maybe see you in my dreams tonight – 143.
Good Night / Good Morning Everyone!
Love - Rach