Football is Here...
Although there were weekends when Joe's fantasy teams did not do so well, and his spirit was a little cranky, I miss seeing the excitement in his eyes - him sitting and yelling at the tv - or running around the house doing some sort of dance. So to all you fantasy players out there - good all Joe's buddies -thank you for helping make each Sunday what it was for Joe.
143 Follow-up
Another question I had pondered was - what did HHM stand for. Here are some of the ideas I received...
-Heavenly Heart Message
-Hilarious Handsome Man
-He Has Made-it
-Hemmings Heros (M-?)
-Hearts, Hugs, and Memories
-Hubert Humphrey Metrodome
-Holy Hot Mama
Your Thoughts...
If you would like to share a blog post - a memory of Joe, a story that has inspired you, some good advice - or just a funny joke, please send me an email at [email protected]. (Pictures are welcome too.)
Here's to hoping everyone had a great weekend - and thank you to all who shared in mine.
Sending my love -