Get Your Hot Dogs and Brats...
2012 Team Vogel vs Cancer Fundraiser
Join the Team...
Tournament Update...
Women's Softball Tournament - 2 Teams Needed (4 Already Registered)
Co-ed Kickball - 3 Teams Needed (9 Already Registered)
Cornhole Tournament - 16 spots open (16 Already Registered)
(Click on link to find out tournament details)
The Race
Team Vogel vs Cancer 5K / 1 mile Run - Walk
Finally a note from Rach...
I don't think this individual realized what they were saying (until they saw my expression...) and I truly don't believe they meant it in a mean way. Heck - we have all wanted to put our foot in our mouth one time or another...
Here is what was said ... "So, Team Vogel will do anything to raise a buck."
Had my brain been working at a quicker pace - this is how I would have responded -
YES. Team Vogel will do anything we can to help families fighting cancer. We will do anything we can to let them know we care - to help them anyway we can - to show them the community is behind them. We will do anything (within reason :)) to "Pay it Forward". Big Events...Small does not matter - they are all done to help another. And I would also have taken the opportunity to remind this individual that no one is paid by Team Vogel. It is truly a community of everyone giving their time and talents.
Now - what would a blog post be without a picture of the puppies gearing up for the upcoming fundraiser. Frita has been training for the race and Mags is planning to spend her time at the bake sale...
And last but not least - a quote that was sent to me...
"You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future."
Live in the moment and Believe.
Love and Hugs -
...and THANK YOU CHULA!!!!
Thank you to everyone at Chula for supporting Team Vogel again this year. We truly appreciate your willingness to help us "Pay it Forward".
To everyone who made it for lunch, dinner or lunch and dinner...for those who ordered take those who tried the delivery - Thank you!