As I sit down to write this morning – I realizing two things…
1. I have a lot to be thankful for.
2. The holidays are still a hard time of year.
Each day – good things happen, I laugh, I smile…sometimes cry…I live. I am thankful for my family, my friends, my animals… For Team Vogel, meeting new people, talking to strangers and finding a connection…
Today as I reflect on where life has taken me and how I got here, I realized how grateful, thankful (you pick the word) I am for my job. About 1 year ago, 2 ladies decided to take a chance on me and hire me. I truly do not know where I would be had this path not presented itself.
My boss embraces me for me, believes in me and accepts me. Most important, she is always there for me.
My co-worker (sometimes partner in crime…I can’t believe they allow us to work together) has become a true friend. She has listened to me on some of my toughest days, celebrated on good ones, and spiced up the boring mornings.
The students have taught me to embrace the small things and make the best of each situation. They bring out the best in me (most days :)…).
And to the two new staff members, that started this year, you are both truly the perfect fit. We are a unique team that many only dream of having.
All I can say is – thank you. Thank you for giving me the purpose I needed to get out of bed, find my way, and keep going. I don’t like to reflect on what might have been, but I know I would not be where I am today without all of you.
To the Miller Mentoring Crew – Miller Thanksgiving!
And the Holidays … Waking up this morning I realized how tough they can sometimes be, a time for family and friends… Man – I miss you Joe.
So – I thought it would be good to look back at our last Thanksgiving together. (Hard to believe this will be my 2nd without you…) We were off to South Carolina to meet up with your sister, Chuck and Nate (Theo too – but he was still in belly).
We would always capture the moments on the plane. You were pretty excited to wear a mask…OK – maybe you wanted to kill me for making you wear one. You made the best of it – like you did with everything in life.
We had a good visit and even ventured down to Georgia to have dinner with my aunt and uncle.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and creates many new memories. And to all those in the Carolinas – I hope you are ready…I will be landing on Thursday.
Love and hugs –