On Thursday, I was invited to speak at Cotter by a group of 5 students who selected Team Vogel vs. Cancer as their “Real-Time” project for religion. I was so honored they picked and wanted to help raise funds for Team Vogel and I was more than willing to do anything to help them out. When they asked me to speak – I was all for it. The night before, I found myself wondering what to share, where to begin… I had some great guidance from my mother – she said - Tell them who Joe is and was. So that I did. I wish I could have had a camera to capture the expressions of the students. They were completely captured by Joe, engaged, and most importantly – I hope Joe will live on through them. By speaking – I may not reach everyone, but if I can reach 1 – “Pay it Forward” lives on. Thank you to Claire, Hannah, Paige, Jennifer and Jacob for picking Team Vogel vs. Cancer and keeping Joe’s dream alive. (I can’t wait to report a final total for their fundraising. )
Today – I was honored to be a part of the Winona Senior High School’s Winterfest festivities. They honored everyday heroes this year. It was a true honor to sit among other community members who choose to “Pay it Forward”. Although I agreed to do this – I was frustrated the real hero, Joe, couldn’t be there. I love to do these things in honor of him, but wish I could be the one watching him do them. I miss being his cheerleader and tired of trying to be my own. It’s just not the same…
For Joe’s family and those who knew Joe – he was quite the cheerleader himself. He would often spell his last name out while doing a headstand in his parent’s living room…and yes he would chant the letters as he went.
Alright, time to get down to Team Vogel business. Starting February 1st, we will be accepting nominations for families dealing with cancer and in need of help (from the Winona area). If you know of a family, please feel free to nominate them using the online link on thehomepage. We will be accepting nominations through March and will be selecting the families the first week of April.
Off to stretch for the Bowling Tournament.
Love - Rach
PS - I love to share pictures of Joe and I think these two pictures describe our relationship perfectly... There are few pictures where the both of us were focused and smiling (not making a face). These two pictures are from the morning of our second wedding - and yes - I did have to go home to help Joe style his hair :).