Loggers Event
As we gear up for the game on Thursday, June 25 - here are the details...
We will be ordering blue tie-dye shirts for the event...arranging a bus to transport people from JcPenny's (Winona) to the game and back and pre-ordering tickets (you can purchase tickets at the gate too.)
You are welcome to purchase just a shirt...just a ticket...whatever combination you desire. If you wish to be part of the event or place an order please email -
Katie D. - [email protected] (email only please)
Here's the breakdown...
Shirts - $15.00 (MUST BE ORDERED BY SUNDAY, JULY 14- 2013)
**The bus will load at 5:15 pm at the JcPenny's Parking Lot (Leaving at 5:30 pm) and return their after the game.
Tickets - $5.00
Again - please email Katie D. with your order or questions.
Katie D. - [email protected] (email only please)
2013 Team Vogel vs Cancer Recap
As I've been uploading images from the 4th annual fundraiser, I can't imagine where I would be without it. Although there are moments that are busy and sometimes overwhelming, it is the one way I can keep Joe alive. He lives in ever smile that comes from the day... And I am proud to be part of it.
Cornhole Tournament
Women's Softball
Men's Softball
Homerun Derby
1 Mile / 5K Run - Walk
Signing off for the week - heading out to finalize a few last things from the weekend in hopes of having a total of what was raised by next week. Also stay tuned for the recap of the hiking adventure...
Peace and Hugs -