Two years ago, Joe threw out the first pitch at this event. He was sooooo nervous – he made me catch his practice pitches at home the week prior. (For the record – he did make his first pitch across the plate.)
Last year, we weren’t able to make it for Joe’s health had truly declined at this point. It was tough missing out – but we knew Team Vogel was there is full force without us. This year – a year with out Joe is closing in and we did it.
Loggers - 2009
Loggers - 2010
Loggers - 2011
I try not to focus on dates – but it is hard not to. One year is closing in on me – one year without my best friend. It is hard to imagine not being able to see someone – not being able to speak to them – not being able to hold their hand…let alone live it. But – I have found a way to live. It is not easy some days – others roll at a smoother pace. I’ve learned to lean on others – cry – walk away and try again tomorrow – and smile again. To all those who have helped me live – Thank you. Here’s to living in the moment and appreciating the now.
And Mr. Joe Vogel – I know you are cracking up at some of these pictures, shaking your head at others, and saying “Rach….” to a few too. Thank you for teaching me how to live and for showing me strength I never knew I had. Living…