I've been reading a blog for some time now. I man from MN started the blog to keep in touch with family and friends while he and his wife were expecting the arrival of their first child...
Truly their story is not mine to share- but the impact it has made on my life is what I want to share.
Matt (It feels odd using his first name when I haven't even met him ...) was dealt a hand that no one wishes upon their worst enemy. He survived and taught me how to survive (and doesn't even know if). It is hard to even put into words what his blog meant to me... Although our stories are no where near similar - he taught me so many lessons, skills to make it.
Live in the moment and take one breath at a time.
There are good days and bad.
It is OK to have REALLY, REALLY bad days.
You will always love and cherish the moments you had with your loved one.
(And soooooo many more...)
...and most importantly - sharing your personal story may help one person find the strength to make it...
Here is Matt's Book... It is amazing and puts words to thoughts and emotions I have never found a way to verbalize.
Tickets are available at Fifth Street Liquor, HyVee, (Midtown is Out), and the Legion.
You can also email [email protected] or call Rachel at (507) 313-5899 to get your tickets too.
Golf Outing...
One Heck of a Woman...
I find comfort in knowing Joe has his Grandma at his side. He will never have a holiday alone...and there will now be name-cards on his table.
Sending my love and a hug -