Oh the simple things… The small things in life continue to make the biggest impacts in my life. After having a busy day, I arrived home and was digging in one of my kitchen drawers. As I got to the bottom of the drawer, I found all the poems and letters Joe had written to me over the years. I will not lie – they were hard to read, but yet so refreshing. I could hear his humor coming through – I could see his handwriting again – and I could read that he loves me. We never went to bed without saying – “I love you” and I will never have to either. I can read a poem or note now. Enjoy the simple things and let the people you love know it.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this weekend so wonderful! Although, Joe was not able to help us celebrate all the festivities – he would have been so proud (and we know he was there in spirit). TEAM VOGEL was alive in Goodview. On the softball fields – in the parade – during the gallop - in our hearts. Thank you for all your support and know with each event, we help keep Joe’s legacy alive. As Tom said – “We promised” and we kept our word this weekend. Thank you!
As the summer winds down – Team Vogel is getting energized to work on new ideas and wrap up the summer. We will continue to keep everyone updated here on how to be involved and what is going on. Your support and participation is what makes Team Vogel what it is.
Well, I’m off to get some sleep here. Zoe is already snoring next to me. Busy day ahead tomorrow – more sewing to be done.
Sending my love to all and please know how grateful I am for the simple things – The simple things that people do each day.
-Love and Hugs-
Rachel (Zoe and Skittles too)