When holidays would come - Joe and I would try to be creative and make each other our gifts at times. Here was my Valentine's Day gift to Joe one year.
A Dozen Reasons Why...I Love You!
Your cooking and cleaning
Your "chip" odor
Your Fam and Friends
Because Your Joe Vogel
Your Heart
Your Personality
Your ability to put your shoes away
Your cheerleading - V - O - G...
Your Morning Humor
Your "Discipline"
Your Back / Foot Rubs
Your Patience
I have not regrets when it comes to this - I took the time tell Joe how much I appreciated him and truly loved him. I think we often get too busy to reflect on how we feel about others and just assume they know. Don't assume - tell them.
Love and Hugs -
PS - I heard a pretty wonderful remark at a wedding this weekend. It went something like this..."Forever is not a long time when you are with your best friend."